Bushey Antiques & Collector’s Fair

Bushey is apparently a nice place for antiquing!  

There are two antique fairs in Bushey that are of my interest:

  1. Bushey Golf & Country Club Antiques Fair
  2. The Bushey Antiques and Collector’s Yew Tree Fair

Let’s start with the first one:

Bushey Golf & Country Club Antiques Fair is an interesting fair in an interesting place. It is organised by Marcel Fairs and is held in certain date each month.

Bushey Golf Antiques Fair
Antiques Fair? This way please..
Bushey Country Club
Yes it is located by the Golf Course

The fair occupies two rooms in which I can say that there are around 25 stalls.

Bushey Country Club Antiques
One of the rooms at the Bushey Golf Antiques Fair
Bushey Golf Club Antiques
Nice assortment of antiques
Bushey Country Club Antiques Fair
Antiques by the corner

The entrance fee is £1 so it is very reasonable. I would recommend to come here if you have spree Sunday to spend 🙂

Bushey Country Club Antique
Not sure what category this antiques are
Bushey Antiques
Some of the antique stalls

To look at the fair dates, please see here.

And here it is the second fair:

The Bushey Antiques and Collector’s Yew Tree Fair is definitely not to be missed. It is worth to visit as the antique stalls are of good quality and their price range are very friendly!


Antiques Fair and Flea Market Bushey

It is held once a month at the hall of Bushey Meads School with entrance fee £1.50.

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They also serve simple hot food and I happen to try the chicken-strip wrap. Yumm!

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Bushey Yew Tree Fair food  IMG_2991

If you want more information, click their website here.


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