Donald et Hortense antique book

This is my first antique book and I am so excited. I got it from an antique bookshop in Mainz, Germany. Well, it is probably a vintage book rather than an antique book, since it is published in year 1938.

Donald Duck et Hortense 1938
Donald et Hortense 1938 © Walt Disney

The book title is ‘Donald et Hortense’ by Hachette. It is written in French. The illustrations of the book are by Walt Disney.

Illustrations de Walt Disney
Illustrations de Walt Disney © Walt Disney

The book has copyright of 1938 by Walt Disney Mickey Mouse S.A. Therefore I must make an acknowledgement that all pictures that I uploaded here are solely the copyright of Walt Disney and all credits should go to Walt Disney Mickey Mouse S.A. I believe this is the first edition of the book.

Copyright 1938 by Walt Disney Mickey Mouse
Copyright 1938 by Walt Disney Mickey Mouse S.A.

It has this illustration below on the first and on the last page of the book.

Donald Duck et Hortense French colourful
Illustration on the first page © Walt Disney
The first and last page of the book
Illustration on the last page of the book © Walt Disney

And below is page number 1.

Donald Duck et Hortense antique book
Donald et Hortense page number 1 © Walt Disney
Colour page from the 1938 book
The colour is still vivid © Walt Disney
Colourful page antique book Donald et Hortense
Colourful page of the antique book ‘Donald et Hortense’ © Walt Disney
Donald Fit Glisser Son Monqcle Dans L'Appareil
It reads ‘Donald Fit Glisser Son Monqcle Dans L’Appareil’ © Walt Disney

The binding of the book is a little bit off at the bottom.

The binding of Donald et Hortense
The binding of Donald et Hortense; illustration © Walt Disney
The back cover of Donald et Hortense
The back cover of Donald et Hortense © Walt Disney

I really like this book, all the colour is still vivid. It is amazing to think that this book was published in 1938 with all illustration colour still visible today.

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